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Jungle Wars: Kong chat issues

Over at Kongregate, a strange thing is happening to Jungle Wars players. When they log in, they do not see the Jungle Wars public chat room. Instead they are put into chat rooms for Atlas Park or Chatmasters.

What's odd is that there is no game called Chatmasters or Atlas Park - these are pure chat rooms. Kong should default game players to game chat rooms but that's not happening here.

There is no reason we Junglers could not use those chat rooms to talk to each other, but they are very crowded and the chat is horrible (childish and idiotic - so very distracting). My assignment to one room or the other is random.

Here is how to get into Jungle Wars chat when you log in. First, click the gear (or sprocket) on the top right.

Click "Change Chat Rooms." You'll see your game chat on the list.

Select "Jungle Wars" and done! Bit of a nuisance, though.

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