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Clan stats, 3/4/16

Strange days Outliers. We are up 326 cups from yesterday. JA is down 12, DP is up 25 and UA is up 19.

Ash05 and Schlomotion rejoined the clan while founding member Gourd moved on to Outliers Academy. Go Gourd!!

We had 9 players gain, 3 lose, and 32 with no change.

Winners included Blasophemia (91, holy cow!); Chanonry (23, good); Zatzat_411 (good); Zubzubzub4000 (17); Darkholme1906 (8); Redwood23Spooky (7); Peach2 and Cmdr0 (6 ea); and Tough02 (5).

On a personal note, I lost 60 cups today, though may were regained.

Good results team, thanks!

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